The Launch

Rocket Launch

We're finally here: the launch! Which, if I remember correctly, also means that we go public with our company and product name. So here it is...wait, maybe I should try to create more suspense by...neah. Our product is called Percebe, which rhymes with "her Chevy". It is a Portuguese word (Dr. Goncalves chose it) for "it perceives". I don't need to explain it all now, because we've already done that and put it on the website, so go check it out! And if you're studying piano or know someone who is, you or they can download it! And of course subsequently feel the absolute necessity of purchasing the subscription and telling all friends and acquaintances and strangers about it, making it a win-win, with increased musical learning for the pianists and survival for our business! Meanwhile, I need to go support some customers. Tchau.

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